Person depicted
- Libertas (Roman diety)14
- Sekhmet (Egyptian deity)14
- Shiva (Hindu deity)14
- Tetricus I (Emperor of the Gallic Empire)14
- Annia Aurelia Galeria Lucilla (Empress, consort of Lucius Verus)13
- Dick Mahwee13
- Theodosius I (Emperor of Rome)13
- Cornelia Salonina (Empress, consort of Gallienus)12
- Elagabalus (Emperor of Rome)12
- Maximinus Thrax (Emperor of Rome)12
- Ra (Egyptian deity)12
- Saint Nicholas12
- Septimius Severus (Emperor of Rome)12
- Vesta (Roman deity)12
- Alexander the Great (King of Macedonia)11
- Castor and Pollux (Greek and Roman deities)11
- Eros (Greek deity)11
- Essie Pinola Parrish11
- Henry Hunt11
- Vitellius, Aulus (Emperor of Rome)11