- Dishes (vessels for food)3,044
- Botanical samples2,974
- Coverings and hangings2,791
- Broken (damaged)2,775
- Fasteners2,731
- Carbon samples2,659
- Equipment and supplies for smoking and tobacco use2,643
- Main garments2,606
- Cups (drinking vessels)2,599
- Charcoal samples2,569
- Pipes (smoking equipment)2,568
- Musical instruments2,475
- Metates2,383
- Textile working equipment2,202
- Jewelry worn on arms and hands2,182
- Charmstones2,163
- Accessories by location on the head2,151
- Coverings and hangings by location or context2,135
- Projectile points (stone tools)2,086
- Masks (costume)2,050