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Object class
- Ceramic ware (visual works)542 objects
- Pottery542 objects
- Fragments (object portions)541 objects
- Potsherds541 objects
- Sherds541 objects
- Newly added terms to be filed26 objects
- Unclassified pottery23 objects
- Ancestral Puebloan11 objects
- Indigenous North American styles and periods11 objects
- Indigenous Western North American styles11 objects
- Native American11 objects
- Southwestern Native North American styles11 objects
- Ancestral Pueblo: Southern Colorado Plateau (Anasazi) (200 AD–present)9 objects
- Tusayan (Kayenta) pottery tradition (600–1900 AD)5 objects
- Unclassified Black-on-white5 objects
- Western Anasazi (branch of Ancestral Puebloan culture) (600–1900 AD)5 objects
- Central Anasazi (branch of Ancestral Puebloan culture) (400 AD–present)4 objects
- Jeddito Yellow Ware (1200–1625 AD)3 objects
- Southern Cibola pottery tradition (1030–present)3 objects
- White Mountain Red Ware (1030–1400 AD)3 objects