Object class
- Information artifacts15 objects
- Vessels for serving and consuming food15 objects
- Dishes (vessels for food)14 objects
- Information artifacts by physical form14 objects
- Recordings14 objects
- Boxes (containers)13 objects
- Bowls (vessels)12 objects
- Jewelry12 objects
- Jewelry and adornment12 objects
- Miniature (size attribute)12 objects
- Moving images12 objects
- Visual works by form of image12 objects
- Baked11 objects
- Coverings and hangings by location or context11 objects
- Models (representations)11 objects
- Clothing10 objects
- Culinary equipment for serving and consuming food10 objects
- Equipment for fishing, hunting, and trapping10 objects
- Audio reel tapes9 objects
- Bottles9 objects