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Object class
- Projectile points1,326 objects
- Projectile weapon components1,326 objects
- Weapon components1,326 objects
- Worked stone1,288 objects
- Stone tools950 objects
- Flake tools (stone tools)438 objects
- Faunal remains397 objects
- Ground stone271 objects
- Knives (stone tools)262 objects
- Fragments (object portions)225 objects
- Scrapers (stone tools)188 objects
- Human remains185 objects
- Manos (food mills)136 objects
- Baked clay and baked clay objects (object genre)124 objects
- Piercing tools123 objects
- Beads (pierced objects)121 objects
- Awls117 objects
- Grinding stones113 objects
- Specimens and samples95 objects
- Archaeological samples90 objects