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Object class
- Projectile points398 objects
- Projectile weapon components398 objects
- Weapon components398 objects
- Worked stone244 objects
- Stone tools241 objects
- Flake tools (stone tools)201 objects
- Chipped-stone crescents120 objects
- Scrapers (stone tools)34 objects
- Flakes (lithics)31 objects
- Fragments (object portions)29 objects
- Knives (stone tools)21 objects
- Bifaces (stone tools)17 objects
- Specimens and samples8 objects
- Blades (stone tools)7 objects
- Geological samples7 objects
- Mineral and rock samples7 objects
- Drills (stone tools)5 objects
- Cores (lithics)4 objects
- Hammerstones3 objects
- Striking tools3 objects