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Object name
- Awl363 objects
- Awl fragment307 objects
- Awl or needle8 objects
- Bone awl8 objects
- Awl fragments6 objects
- Bone awl fragment4 objects
- Awl or flaker3 objects
- Awl or flaker fragment2 objects
- Awl or needle fragment2 objects
- Awl or pin2 objects
- Awl ?1 objects
- Awl ? fragment1 objects
- Awl and bone fragments1 objects
- Awl and scraper ?1 objects
- Awl fragment, human remains, worked bone1 objects
- Awl fragments and bone1 objects
- Awl or drill1 objects
- Awl or gorge hook1 objects
- Awl or pin fragment1 objects
- Awls1 objects