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- 2.0 Use not specified (Secular Dress and Accoutrements, and Adornment)15 objects
- 7.5 Issued Currency and Associated Containers15 objects
- 5.2 Magic: Objects Associated with Practices reflecting confidence in the ability to manipulate supernatural agencies12 objects
- 5.4 Secular and Religious Musical Instruments11 objects
- 5.6 Sports, Games, Amusements; Gambling and Pet Accessories9 objects
- 5.0 Use not specified (Ritual, Pageantry, and Recreation)8 objects
- 7.4 Non-issued Media of Exchange, Symbolic Valuables, and Associated Containers7 objects
- 1.8 Toilet Articles6 objects
- 3.1 Status Objects and Insignia of Office5 objects
- 4.2 Public Buildings and Furnishings2 objects
- 4.3 Storehouses, Granaries, and the Like2 objects
- 3.0 Use not specified (Status Objects and Insignia of Office)1 objects
- 4. Structures and Furnishings1 objects
- 4.0 Use not specified (Structures and Furnishings)1 objects
- 6.0 Use not specified (Child Care and Enculturation)1 objects
- 7.1 Writing and Records (including religious texts)1 objects
- 8.1 Foods1 objects
- 8.2 Medicine and Hygiene1 objects
- 8.5 Multiple Utility1 objects