Culture or time period
- Old Kingdom (2686–2160 BC)286 objects
- Asian cultures248 objects
- North American native cultures227 objects
- Middle Horizon, ancient Peru (800–1100 AD)220 objects
- Early Dynastic Period of Egypt (ca. 3000–2686 BC)217 objects
- Nasca NEEDS WORK208 objects
- East Asian cultures205 objects
- 2nd Dynasty of Egypt (2890–2686 BC)204 objects
- Naqada III/'Dynasty 0' (ca. 3200–3000 BC)202 objects
- Chinese184 objects
- Chinese cultures184 objects
- 6th Dynasty of Egypt (2345–2181 BC)173 objects
- Nazca period B158 objects
- Naqada II a-d/ Gerzean (ca. 3500–3200 BC)155 objects
- 9th & 10th Dynasties of Egypt (2160–2055 BC)151 objects
- First Intermediate Period (ca. 2160–2055 BC)151 objects
- 7th & 8th Dynasties of Egypt (2181–2160 BC)149 objects
- Middle Kingdom of Egypt (2055–1650 BC)149 objects
- 11th Dynasty of Egypt (2125–1985 BC)148 objects
- 12th Dynasty of Egypt (1985–1773 BC)148 objects