Culture or time period
- Coptic Egypt (312–641 AD)22 objects
- Greco-Roman Egypt (332 BC–330 AD)22 objects
- Middle Ancón II period22 objects
- Roman and Byzantine Egypt (30 BC–641 AD)22 objects
- Western African cultures22 objects
- Central California Tribes21 objects
- Naqada II a-d/ Gerzean (ca. 3500–3200 BC)21 objects
- North Central California tribes21 objects
- Yoruba21 objects
- Yoruba cluster21 objects
- 5th Dynasty of Egypt (2494–2345 BC)19 objects
- Middle Ica II period19 objects
- 4th Dynasty of Egypt (2613–2494 BC)18 objects
- Alaskan cultures18 objects
- Arctic cultures18 objects
- Southwest North American cultures18 objects
- Hopi17 objects
- Pomo17 objects
- Pueblo tribes17 objects
- Southwestern Native American17 objects