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Culture or time period
- Classical Civilizations7 objects
- Old World (Africa, Asia and Europe)7 objects
- Byzantine (395-1453 AD)5 objects
- Classical Rome5 objects
- Eastern Roman Empire (395–1453 AD)5 objects
- Roman Empire (27 BC–395 AD)5 objects
- Byzantine early period (330-717 AD)3 objects
- Justinian Dynasty (518–602 AD)3 objects
- Ancient Greece2 objects
- Byzantine middle period (717-1204 AD)2 objects
- Cultures in the Ancient Greek sphere of influence2 objects
- Komnenid Dynasty 2 (1081–1185)2 objects
- Ancient Greek Cyprus1 objects
- Cypro-Archaic I (700–600 BC)1 objects
- Cypro-Archaic Period (750–475 BC)1 objects
- Etruscan1 objects
- Iron Age of Cyprus (ca. 1050–525 BC)1 objects
- Italic people1 objects