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- S1981-1982 #8: University of California, Davis/Richard E. Hughes (August 24, 1981–February 9, 1987)142 objects
- S2002-2003 #14: Pacific Legacy, Inc./Thomas L. Jackson (February 21, 2003–February 21, 2004)91 objects
- S1992-1993 #12: Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Inc./Paul Bouey (1992–June 22, 1994)90 objects
- S1975-1976 #49: Department of Anthropology (UC Davis)/Richard E. Hughes (January 9, 1976–February 9, 1987)63 objects
- S1967-1968 #111: Department of Anthropology (UC Davis)/Jerald Jay Johnson (February 20, 1969–February 18, 1982)58 objects
- S1968-1969 #82: University of California, Davis (February 20, 1969–unknown)58 objects
- S1972-1973 #44: Department of Anthropology (UC Berkeley)/Jean M. Pitzer (January 10, 1973–October 14, 1980)45 objects
- S2007-2008 #12: Department of Anthropology (UC Berkeley)/Darren Modzelewski (dates unknown)39 objects
- S1976-1977 #20: Department of Anthropology (UC Berkeley)/Thomas Roy Hester (October 20, 1976–June 6, 1977)34 objects
- S1973-1974 #78: San Francisco State University/Tom Jackson (April 5, 1974–April 8, 1974)30 objects
- S1980-1981 #23: Department of Anthropology (UC Davis)/Richard E. Hughes (September 22, 1980–February 29, 1987)27 objects
- S1973-1974 #80: San Francisco State University/Tom Jackson (April 8, 1974–April 10, 1974)26 objects
- S1991-1992 #30: Indiana University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology /Noel Justice (May 19, 1992–July 3, 1996)24 objects
- S1991-1992 #28: Thomas N. Layton (April 13, 1992–April 21, 1992)23 objects
- S1972-1973 #77: Department of Anthropology (UC Berkeley)/Thomas Roy Hester (April 6, 1973–July 4, 1973)20 objects
- S1988-1989 #40: Sonoma State University/David Allen Frederickson (February 18, 1989–April 14, 1989)18 objects
- S1964-1965 #74: State of California, Division of Beaches and Parks/Francis A. Riddell (March 19, 1965–September 2, 1981)16 objects
- S1970-1971 #4: Department of Geology and Geophysics (UC Berkeley)/Robert N. Jack (July 15, 1970–August 17, 1972)15 objects
- S1971-1972 #106: Department of Anthropology (UC Berkeley)/Robert Fleming Heizer (September 20, 1972–October 14, 1980)15 objects
- S1972-1973 #9: Department of Anthropology (UC Berkeley)/Robert Fleming Heizer (1973–December 1, 1977)15 objects