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- S1969-1970 #119: University of California, Davis/Jerald Jay Johnson (April 24, 1970–November 8, 1971)257 objects
- S1991-1992 #22: Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Inc./Paul Bouey (February 12, 1992–June 22, 1994)141 objects
- S2007-2008 #12: Department of Anthropology (UC Berkeley)/Darren Modzelewski (dates unknown)63 objects
- S1979-1980 #27: California State University, East Bay/Colin L. Busby (1979–unknown)54 objects
- S1974-1975 #90: Department of Anthropology (UC Berkeley)/Christopher R. Corson (April 15, 1975–August 18, 1975)50 objects
- S1991-1992 #30: Indiana University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology /Noel Justice (May 19, 1992–July 3, 1996)50 objects
- S1975-1976 #49: Department of Anthropology (UC Davis)/Richard E. Hughes (January 9, 1976–February 9, 1987)47 objects
- S1991-1992 #28: Thomas N. Layton (April 13, 1992–April 21, 1992)46 objects
- S1973-1974 #108: City of Sacramento, Department of Parks and Community Services (June 11, 1974–June 28, 1974)45 objects
- S1973-1974 #110: City of Sacramento, Department of Parks and Community Services/James Allan Bennyhoff (June 14, 1974–June 17, 1974)22 objects
- S1973-1974 #107: City of Sacramento, Department of Parks and Community Services/James Allan Bennyhoff (June 11, 1974–August 11, 1975)12 objects
- S1974-1975 #102: Department of Anthropology (UC Davis)/Peter Schulz (May 7, 1975–July 31, 1976)9 objects
- S2005-2006 #6: Integrative Biology Department (UC Berkeley)/Timothy D. White (October 12, 2005–November 20, 2020)7 objects
- S1968-1969 #103: San Francisco State University (May 13, 1969–September 7, 1977)6 objects
- S1974-1975 #73: University of California, Davis/Peter Schulz (March 7, 1975–July 31, 1976)4 objects
- S1962-1963 #19: Montecito Elementary School/Maxine Rockwell (October 23, 1962–October 25, 1962)3 objects
- S1966-1967 #13: Department of Anthropology (UC Berkeley)/Ingrid Brabender (October 22, 1966–December 9, 1966)3 objects
- S1972-1973 #72: Department of Anthropology (UC Berkeley)/Thomas Roy Hester (March 21, 1973–July 5, 1973)3 objects
- S1973-1974 #80: San Francisco State University/Tom Jackson (April 8, 1974–April 10, 1974)3 objects
- S1974-1975 #63: Department of Anthropology (UC Davis) (February 10, 1975–June 5, 1975)3 objects