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- S1964-1965 #74: State of California, Division of Beaches and Parks/Francis A. Riddell (March 19, 1965–September 2, 1981)243 objects
- S1972-1973 #77: Department of Anthropology (UC Berkeley)/Thomas Roy Hester (April 6, 1973–July 4, 1973)129 objects
- S2005-2006 #6: Integrative Biology Department (UC Berkeley)/Timothy D. White (October 12, 2005–November 20, 2020)97 objects
- S1968-1969 #129: Department of Anthropology (UC Berkeley)/James Allan Bennyhoff (April 9, 1969–July 30, 1971)66 objects
- S1975-1976 #96: Department of Anthropology (UC Davis)/Richard E. Hughes (June 10, 1976–November 25, 1986)50 objects
- S1976-1977 #30: Department of Anthropology (UC Berkeley)/Thomas Roy Hester (November 15, 1976–June 6, 1977)32 objects
- S2001-2002 #10: Integrative Biology Department (UC Berkeley)/Timothy D. White (November 30, 2001–November 30, 2002)25 objects
- S1975-1976 #49: Department of Anthropology (UC Davis)/Richard E. Hughes (January 9, 1976–February 9, 1987)19 objects
- S1989-1990 #4: Allen Pastron (August 16, 1989–July 26, 1990)15 objects
- S1971-1972 #87: Department of Anthropology (Sonoma State Univ.)/James Allan Bennyhoff (February 3, 1972–May 11, 1981)13 objects
- S1979-1980 #27: California State University, East Bay/Colin L. Busby (1979–unknown)9 objects
- S1979-1980 #40: University of California, Davis (January 14, 1980–unknown)8 objects
- S1974-1975 #53: University of California, Los Angeles/Jonathon E. Ericson (January 27, 1975–July 2, 1975)7 objects
- S1979-1980 #25: University of California, Davis/Richard E. Hughes (November 19, 1979–November 26, 1979)7 objects
- D2001.001: San Francisco State University/Randy Gannon Groza (December 6, 2001–n/a)4 objects
- S1965-1966 #59: Department of Anthropology (UC Berkeley)/Christy G. Turner II (February 2, 1966–July 1, 1966)3 objects
- S1976-1977 #83: Department of Anthropology (UC Davis)/Peter Schulz (May 26, 1977–April 26, 1978)3 objects
- S1964-1965 #31: Science Center (Diablo Valley College) (1960–July 21, 1967)2 objects
- S1968-1969 #122: University of California, Los Angeles (May 19, 1969–unknown)2 objects
- S1978-1979 #52: James Allan Bennyhoff (February 21, 1979–June 26, 1981)2 objects