- Henry Ludwig Frederick Lutz18 objects
- Estate of David P. Barrows17 objects
- Alfred L. Kroeber15 objects
- Miriam Dubin15 objects
- Thomas R. Garth15 objects
- United States Information Agency15 objects
- Eugene A. Golomshtok14 objects
- Aubrey F. Fiermann13 objects
- Lillis Ferne Beebe Duncan13 objects
- Llewellyn Lemont Loud12 objects
- United States Geological Survey12 objects
- Mrs. Marion Joubert11 objects
- R. W. Hanna11 objects
- Alfred Métraux10 objects
- Eugene R. Prince10 objects
- Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (UC Berkeley)10 objects
- Viking Fund Incorporated10 objects
- William Russell Bascom10 objects
- Arizona State Museum9 objects
- Harald Heyner (Laskemoen)8 objects