Covered with basketry work. Tag "Klamath R. tribes att.". Per Ralph Shanks: Twined basketry covered glass liquor bottle. Crossed warp starting knot. The warp material is probably hazel or willow. The weft material is conifer root. The weft design overlay is maidenhair fern and red-dyed woodwardia with a beargrass background. Starting after the starting knot, there is .5 inch of three strand twining followed by 1 inch of plain twining followed by one weft row of three strand twining. Plain twining continues after that all of the way up to the neck where the .25 inch is three strand twining. The main design has a border of two horizontal rows of triangles. Between those rows are diamonds in red dyed woodwardia. The rim is trimmed. The lid has a crossed warp starting knot, covered with beargrass. The basket has a rightward work direction, with an up to the right slant of weft twist. The workface is on the exterior. The basket is from Northwestern California. Mad River is mentioned as a possible area of collection, if so this basket may be Wiyot. Klamath River is also mentioned as a possible area of collection, if so then the basket would most likely be Yurok.
J. N. Force
Collection place:
Mad River, Humboldt County, California
Verbatim coll. place:
California; Humboldt co., Klamath or Mad River
Culture or time period:
Northwestern California tribes
J. N. Force
Collection date:
Object type:
Object class:
Basketry (object genre), Bottles, and Twined weaving