8 x 10" Negative. Ituri Forest, Belgian Congo. Image shows a large group of pygmies standing in a clearing. Hoefler's original description: "Belgian Congo. Lining up for a dance. Ituri Forest. After making contact with them through a friendly Momvu chief who brought six of them to us, we moved deep into the forest and made this clearing. Having the confidence of the first half dozen they sent out messages over the drums and brought one hundred and seven of the dwarfs into our camp. Hoefler’s Clearing. Ituri Forest Pygmies. After penetrating into the forest we established a camp in a clearing and through a local Momvu chief succeeded in getting half a dozen pygmies to visit us. Kept them a day and having gained their trust, they sent out a message over the drums which brought one hundred and seven of the little men and women, with their children, into the clearing.
Jacqueline Hoefler Troyer, Paul L. Hoefler, and Sharon Cordary
Collection place:
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Verbatim coll. place:
Belgian Congo
Maker or artist:
Paul L. Hoefler
Paul L. Hoefler
Collection date:
Cellulose nitrate film
Object type:
Object class:
Black-and-white negatives and Drums (membranophones)