Southern Plains girl doll. Cotton stuffed doll with embroidered features & black yarn hair. Dressed in white suede mocassins, white cotton underpants and slip and apron & and a pink dress with pink and rose ribbon trim. Apron trimmed with same ribbon as dress. Blue bead 6-strand necklace. Hair tied back into stiff, hourglass shaped bun near the top back of the head; decorated w/ long dangles of rose, green and pink ribbon with gold beads [a modern adaptation of typical young girls headdress for girls 8-10 years old]. H = 12”
Jane E. Gregory and Sarah J. Gregory
Collection place:
Verbatim coll. place:
USA, Southern Plains, Caddo. Maker is Donna Tsatoke
Culture or time period:
Maker or artist:
Donna Tsatoke
Jane E. Gregory and Sarah J. Gregory
Collection date:
April 1986
Suede and Yarn
Object type:
Object class:
Dolls (figurines) and Women (female humans)
5.7 Objects made for sale, souvenirs, models, and reproductions
Accession date:
June 5, 2000
Context of use:
Purchased from Anadarko Plains Indian Arts and Crafts Shop in Oklahoma for $48.00. Caddo originally lived in NW Louisiana and into Arkansas and Texas and the edge of Oklahoma. Southern Caddo family contains Caddo proper, of the language group of Wichita, Pawnee and Arikara.