Bone foreshaft inserted into wooden shaft, painted red; bone point with three unilateral barbs secured with Y-shaped braided sinew dart line; feathers at proximal notched end. Damaged while on loan to Heard Museum, Loan 564-65 #72.
Alaska Commercial Company, Benjamin Bristol, and Older University Collections
Collection place:
St. Michael, St. Michael Island, Nome Borough
Verbatim coll. place:
Alaska; St. Michael
Culture or time period:
Kodiak Eskimo
Collection date:
Bone (material), Feather (material), Paint (coating) (red), and Sinew (material)
Neg. number: ACC53-03; ACC53-02 Graburn, Nelson H.H., Molly Lee, Jean-Loup Rousselot, and Robin K. Wright. Catalogue Raisonné of the Alaska Commercial Company Collection, Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology, 114. Vol. 21. Univ of California Press, 1996.
S1964-1965 #34b: University of Pennsylvania Museum (Philadelphia) (November 25, 1964–March 25, 1966) and S1964-1965 #72: Heard Museum (March 25, 1965–September 24, 1965)