CB58 (previous number (collector's original number))
Accession number:
Object Name: Bowl Materials: Glazed porcelain Diameter at rim: 16 cm Date: late 1970s or early 1980s Country: People’s Republic of China Description: The bowl features repeating calla lily blossoms in pink and green, and four characters meaning “Good harvests in four seasons” (四季丰收 siji fengshou). Each character is enclosed in a floral-shaped motif. In late 70s the calla lily blossom was associated in memory with Zhou Enlai because of the photograph of Mao presenting a bouquet of calla lilies to Zhou at the Peking airport in 1960s. In reproductions of the photograph post 1976, Liu Shaoqi was airbrushed out and eliminated from painted versions that were made into posters in 1983 to promote Deng Xiaoping’s position. Inscription: Red kiln mark on foot: “Complete Victory, Liling 36” (醴陵全胜 Liling quansheng 36) Place of Origin: Liling, Hunan Province Condition: Very good Acquisition Data: Beijing, 2002-2010