3 hatch (ulluxtaq), wood frame with rawhide cover, 2 figures wearing sealskin parkas with rawhide wristlets and mufflers painted red and wearing hats of wood (also painted red), stick of wood for manipulating line painted red with zoomorphic carved head on blade tip and on blade 3 zoomorphic figures painted in brown pigment.
Alaska Commercial Company, Benjamin Bristol, and Older University Collections
Collection place:
Kodiak Island, Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska
Verbatim coll. place:
Alaska; Kodiak district; Kodiak Island
Culture or time period:
Alaskan Eskimo
Gut (animal material)
Object type:
Object class:
Kayaks and Models (concepts)
5.7 Objects made for sale, souvenirs, models, and reproductions
Accession date:
Context of use:
A model of a double hatched Aleut kayak. Kayaks were frequently used for sea hunting but also fishing. Spears could have poisoned points for larger specimens such as whales, so they could drift to shore. Waters surrounding the Aleutian Islands hosted a thriving ecosystem including seals, sea otters, and fish that was so integral to Aleutian cuisine. The average full-sized kayak was about 17.5 feet long but were tailored to one’s body size. Black spruce and yellow cedar made up the framework and seal skin binded with sinew made up the cover. They are noted among other Native Alaskan kayaks for their lightweightedness and efficiency, travelling through the treacherous and open waters with ease. Righting and repairing kayaks was easy as one often had sea mammal stomach on hand, along with other cargo, stored in the spacious interior. Aleut general name: baidara → baidarka (байдарка), Russified with the -ка being a diminutive suffix in reference to a larger and traditionally open boat (no hatches) specifically made of skin like an umiak. Three-hatched kayaks were not introduced until Russian contact when firearms were introduced and could capsize a boat.
Native US and Canada (except California)
length 48 centimeters
References: cf. Collins, H.B. pl. 68, p. 54 for Kodiak hat and boat comparison. cf. Nelson, pl. LXVIII, fig. 32 for stick for manipulating line when landing fish.