Belt of mostly dull brown, coconut shell beads in 17 rows with woven fiber ties at the ends. Sections are separated by wood strips: single at the ends and 3 pairs of two across the belt body. In between each two of a pair wood strips are 17 rows of three light brown dull beads. Center row of dark brown beads have shiny white beads interspersed. In between wood sections fibers strung with beads are single strung and somewhat loose.
Phoebe Apperson Hearst
Collection place:
Caroline Islands
Verbatim coll. place:
Culture or time period:
Phoebe Apperson Hearst
Coconut shell, Plant fiber, and Wood (plant material)
Ledger entry for 11-273 lists only one belt. This belt labeled "11-273" in pen on a wooden strip and a tag with "11-273b". Not truly a component. Due to coconut shell bead use, this one is a likely contender for the original 11-273.