Chief's blanket," Second Phase; top, center and bottom bands are dark brown, red (cochineal-dyed bayeta), and indigo with indigo blocks on cochineal ground; there are ten alternating white and brown bands on the body of the blanket (5 above and 5 below the center band); all handspun except for red (1-ply unraveled bayeta); green wool selvedge; tapestry weave.
Wilma Lloyd
Collection place:
Fort Leavenworth, Leavenworth, Kansas
Verbatim coll. place:
Kansas; Leavenworth; Fort Leavenworth
Production place:
Southwestern United States
Culture or time period:
Selden Wiley Jones
Collection date:
ca. 1860s
Bayeta (single-ply cochineal-dyed bayeta) and Wool (textile) (handspun wool)
Dactylopius coccus
Object type:
Object class:
Blankets (coverings)
2.1 Daily Garb
Production date:
ca. 1850-1865
Accession date:
June 1, 1975
Context of use:
Wearing blanket. Said to have been given to collector at Ft. Leavenworth by Sitting Bull who had been wounded and captured.
Native US and Canada (except California)
length 1.7 meters and width 1.21 meters
Conservation: Specimen heavily soiled with soot, dust upon arrival in Museum. Dry-cleaned at Virginia Cleaners, Berkeley, but one face of blanket still not as clean as other. Treated with DDT in alcohol July 1975. Made by: Navaho woman. Photo: yes. Role in trade: See acc. env. for letter stating given to gr.fa. by "a young army man." References: Kahlenberg, Mary and A. Berlant, The Navajo Blanket, pp. 29-30.
S1980-1981 #58: University of California, Davis (April 3, 1981–September 12, 1981)