Huipil: Backstrap-loomed, plain weave. Two-faced supp. weft brocading. Three pieces joined back, front, and sides by randa. End selvedges loom-finished. Head hole cut out and hemmed with hand-stitching; decorated with neckpiece.
2.4 Fine Clothes and Accoutrements not used exclusively for status or religious purposes
Production date:
Accession date:
March 1, 1989
Mexico, Central America, and Caribbean area
length 74 centimeters and width 81 centimeters
MATERIALS, TECHNIQUES: : Backstrap-loomed of brown cotton single (2,3) yarns. Suppl. weft brocading of multicolored silk floss. Neck-piece of silk floss and black commercial cloth. Neck-piece forms points all around and medallions at centers front/back, shoulders. CONTEXT OF USE: Neck piece of silk floss and black commercial cloth forming appliqued points all around and medallions at front, back and shoulders; possibly a cofrádia huipil ( see Rowe p. 88 Fig 69). New stitches in randa and elsewhere in yellow cotton and green acrylic (Arriola de Geng). See also 3-145 CONSERVATION:Worn, especially weft and brocading in some places are threadbare; some holes; several stains.