Made of unpainted carved wood. Pencilled on blade: "Barakell l_de - stern paddle Nuklayet - (Tanana Post July 3/96 Berttles and Mayo)
Phoebe Apperson Hearst
Collection place:
Nuklukayet, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area, Alaska
Verbatim coll. place:
Alaska; Nuklukayet
Culture or time period:
Charles L. Hall
Collection date:
July 3, 1896
Object type:
Object class:
Carvings (visual works)
1.4 Transportation
Production date:
July 3, 1896
Accession date:
August 12, 1902
Context of use:
Boat paddle.
Native US and Canada (except California)
length 1.3 meters
Note: Nuklukaiet (Nuklukhayet Island,) in Hrdlicka''s discussion of the Tanana: "The mission above Tanana is beautifully located on the elevated right Yukon bank, facing Nuklukhayet island and point, the latter, according to old reports, an old trading and meeting spot of the Kutchin tribes, and the confluence of the Tanana with the Yukon. The mission house, located on rising ground, the wooden church lower down, the cemetary a bit farther up, and the Indian village a bit farther downstream, with their colors and that of the luxuriant vegetation, form a picturesque cluster." References: Hrdlicka, Ales, "Anthropological Survey in Alaska" in ARBAE XLVI (1930), p. 42.