Northern Paiute songs by Gertrude Rodriguez and Gertrude Lovarez recorded by unidentified collector. Date not specified. Major sources on these Northern Paiute recordings include Angulo and Freeland (1929), Angulo and Harcourt (1931), Kelly (1932), Kroeber (1925:581-4), Loud (1929), Pietroforte (1965), Riddell (1960), Steward (1933), Stewart (1941), and Voegelin (1955-56). Two important manuscript sources are (1) Barrett's field notes for 24-1500 through 24-1545 (see Acc.400) and (2) Vennum (1984), a draft for a chapter on music among Great Basin Indians to be published in the Smithsonian Institutions's Handbook of North American Indians series. Voice cued tape (7.5 ips, half-track original) contains the following: Gambling Song (accompanied by pounding stick a) 36"; b) 55"; c) 38"; d) 39"; e) 34". f) song (with membrane-drum, title spoken in Northern Paiute) 40"; g) round dance song (accompaniment as previous) 45"; h) song w/o drum, title in Northern Paiute 50"; i) song with membrane-drum 42"; j) song in European folk style 54". Note: all but the last song are performed as duets in unison with mature voice leading and youthful one following more softly. Last item is a vocal solo by the girl. (from p. 560 Ethnographic Sound Recordings at Lowie Museum of Anthropology)
University Appropriation and various collectors
Collection place:
Northeastern California
Culture or time period:
Northern Paiute
Maker or artist:
Gertrude Rodrigues and Gertrude Lovarez
Collection date:
Object type:
Object class:
Audio reel tapes and Drums (membranophones)
7.2 Sound Communication
Accession date:
Native California (archaeology and ethnology)
duration 465 seconds
S1966-1967 #42: Extension Media Center/Clyde Smith (December 6, 1966–January 16, 1967)