Huipil: Backstrap-loomed, plain weave. Two-faced supp. weft brocading. Three pieces joined back, front, and sides by randa. End selvedges loom-finished. Head hole cut out and hemmed with hand-stitching; decorated with neckpiece.
MATERIALS, TECHNIQUES: Backstrap-loomed with white cotton thread. Neck-piece of black commercial cloth. CONTEXT OF USE: Neck piece of black commercial cloth appliqued with multicolored yarn.Four medallions at front, back and both shoulders have pearl like button in the center of them. Double headed eagle designs more abstracted than other examples (Schevill 1985). Both shoulders suppl. weft brocaded areas patched inside red commercial cloth and hand-stitched. CONSERVATION: Worn, especially suppl. weft brocade. Several holes; one tear patched.