Drum, two-headed with wool cover; A) drum: wood frame, yak(?) skin heads; on frame are painted miniature scenes of Nyingma sect (Red Hat) lamas & siddhayogis interspersed with skulls and demons; two strikers of yarn looping over core; pendant silk brocade tassels, strip of snow leopard skin; one head damaged; diameter 19 cm; B) wool cover with leather thongs, brass Punjab police uniform button closure; diameter 20 cm.
Drums (membranophones) and Miniature (size attribute)
5.4 Secular and Religious Musical Instruments
Accession date:
February 1, 1974
Context of use:
Used in religious worship (puja), ritual, during chanting of sacred text; used mostly by male lamas. Held in right hand by handle & twisted back and forth allowing strikers to beat heads. (more info on card)