Paddle of wood, one one side of blade crude drawing in black pigment of 5 wolves chasing one reindeer. Reverse side is head of wolf with mouth open and teeth and tongue indicated. Carved bone crossbar is fitted to handle end. Raised carved ridge in center of blade extends to tip on wolves side not reverse.
Phoebe Apperson Hearst
Collection place:
Lower Yukon, Yukon, Yukon-Koyukuk Borough
Verbatim coll. place:
Alaska; Lower Yukon
Culture or time period:
Alaskan Eskimo
Charles L. Hall
Collection date:
ca. 1895
Object type:
Object class:
Carvings (visual works)
Accession date:
August 12, 1902
Context of use:
Paddle for umiak or kaiak.
Native US and Canada (except California)
length 149 centimeters
S1951-1952 #1: University of California, Los Angeles (March 15, 1952–returned by 1957)