3243 (previous number (Albert Bender’s number)) and 3893 (previous number (Design Dept.))
Accession number:
Acc.3032 and Acc.3032.05
Tobacco case, pipe holder, and ojime: The tobacco case (a) is of soft, coarse grained dark brown wood carved to resemble an owl. Wings in relief, feathers incised. The rest is smooth and simple. Bottom flat, portion cut out and reglued to facilitate the hollowing out of the interior. The face (b) is of lighter, harder wood, serves as ‘lid’, hinged by the cord. Prominent beak, inlaid mother of pearl eyes, gouged lines representing feathers. The pipe holder (c) is carved of dark wood in form of standing man with arms stretched above head, mouth agape. Back side hollowed out. Key hole in base. The ojime (d) is of red, mold formed lacquer, design depicting phoenix and lion-dog (shishi).
Anita Day Symmes Blake, Anson Stiles Blake, and Design Department (UC Berkeley)