mano, porphyry, oval outline, shaped by pecking; wear patten on two flat sides. 9.8 cm. length. much weathered, partly flaked away
Lawrence E. Dawson
Collection place:
6 miles southeast of Willcox, Willcox Playa, Cochise County
Verbatim coll. place:
Arizona, Cochise Co.
Lawrence E. Dawson
Collection date:
January 1962
Object type:
Object class:
Ground stone and Manos (food mills)
Context of use:
probably used for grinding
Native US and Canada (except California)
length 9.8 centimeters
Location - Arizona, Cochise Co., 6 mi. S.E. of Willcox, dune site on NE. side of Willcox Playa (see acc. notes for acc. 1513 for field description) Archaeological context/Associations - weathering out on surface of fossil sand dunes. Attributions of dates, culture and use - Cochise Culture, Sulphur Springs stage; prob. used for seed grinding