Arrows with bow, used for hunting muskrat. (a) sinew-backed bow (b/c) antler or bone tipped arrow. Wood bow, reinforced with a sinew lashing; two arrows have bone or antler with asymmetric points; a string of sinew is wound around each arrow. For the hunt the other end was knotted to the bow. Rib bone; asymmetrically carved point; notched at proximal end to take arrow string. See bow 2-4409a and arrows 2-4409b,c. For hunting small game such as muskrat.
Alaska Commercial Company, Benjamin Bristol, and Older University Collections
Collection place:
Cavia, Seward Peninsula, Nome Borough
Verbatim coll. place:
Alaska; Seward Peninsula; Cavia
Culture or time period:
Malemiut Eskimo
Rudolph Neumann
Antler, Antler (material), Bone, Bone (material), and Sinew (material)
Second Orig. No.: Neumann #369. Remarks: cf. Nelson p. 157 and Pl. LI, fig. 2. Graburn p. 72 See also Graburn p. 94 See also catalogue #9 Neg number: ACC37-07