(a) Chronicle, in colored pencil on old brown paper; spiral series of pictographic symbols of past events; framed; the Tohausen (Dohasan) Kiowa Calendar. (b) Copy on celluloid made by Martha Nicoloff in 1967. (c) Reduced photocopy negative of (b). Depicts events from Winter 1832-33 - Summer 1892.
Phoebe Apperson Hearst
Collection place:
Fort Sill, Oklahoma
Verbatim coll. place:
Oklahoma; Fort Sill
Culture or time period:
Maker or artist:
Dohasan and Martha Nicoloff
Hugh Lenox Scott and Tohausen
Collection date:
Object type:
Object class:
Calendars (documents)
Production date:
Context of use:
Chronicles events from Winter 1832-33 - Summer 1892.
Native US and Canada (except California)
(a)— length 74.5 centimeters and (a)— width 61.5 centimeters
The Kiowa Chronicle was sent on loan in April 1980 to the Fine Arts Museum of S. F. In return for the loan the paper conservation lab, Palace of the Legion of Honor, consented to remove the paper surface from the masonite board to which it had been attached at some time in the distant past. The calendar was returned in February 1982 newly framed and matted and removed from the masonite board." Photo: 15-21219, 15-767. Published: A Chronicle of the Kiowa Indians (1832-1892), UCLMA. Exhibited: Treasures of the Lowie Museum. References: see letter by H.L. Scott, 6-26-1906, acc. env.; also, Mooney, 17th Ann. Rep. Bur. Amer. Eth., p. 143.
S1962-1963 #39: Fort Sill National Historic Landmark and Museum (February 7, 1963–May 6, 1963), S1967-1968 #29: Alex Nicoloff/Alex Nicoloff (September 11, 1967–November 1, 1967), S1979-1980 #63b: Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (May 30, 1980–August 29, 1980), and S1979-1980 #63: Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (April 22, 1980–August 29, 1980)