Bottle covered with basketry. Per Ralph Shanks: Pistol/gun shaped basketry covered bottle and cap. Crossed warp starting knot. The warp material is probably willow or hazel. On the main basket A): the weft material is conifer root. The overlay is a background of beargrass with red-dyed woodwardia and maiden hair fern designs. Starting at the starting knot, there is .25 of three strand twining followed by plain twining up to the rim. On the cap B) the overlay is beargrass and maidenhair fern. Starting at the starting knot there is .25 inch of three strand twining followed by plain twining to the rim which is trimmed. The interior of the cap has blue fabric. The baskets have a rightward work direction, with an up to the right slant of weft twist. The workface is on the exterior. The basket is from Northwestern California.
Phoebe Apperson Hearst
Collection place:
Klamath River area, Northwestern California, California