Large flaring coiled basket. Tag: "Yuki". Per Ralph Shanks: Coiled flaring basket Yuki cooking bowl, with residue from food and wear from cooking. The bottom 2/3rds of the exterior of the basket are blackened. The basket has a twined start. The coil foundation is two rods and splints of peeled shoots. The wefts are peeled redbud with unpeeled redbud designs. The design on the basket is three horizontal bands that drop down and go up at the same areas. There are no random rectangles. The rim is plain wrapped, with rim ticks. The coil ending is cut off, with about three weft stiches missing. The weft fag ends are primarily clipped or concealed. The weft moving ends are primarily concealed. The exterior has below 10% split stiches. The interior of the basket has over 50% split stiches. The basket has an exterior workface with a rightward work direction and a down to the right slant of weft twist. The lack of random rectangles suggests some Wailaki influnce.
Samuel A. Barrett
Collection place:
Round Valley, Mendocino County, California
Verbatim coll. place:
California; Mendocino; Round Valley
Culture or time period:
Maker or artist:
Julia Wood
Samuel A. Barrett
Collection date:
July 1907
Object type:
Object class:
Coiled weaving, Cooking baskets, and Twined weaving
1.5 Household
Accession date:
Native California (archaeology and ethnology)
height 14 centimeters and diameter 41.3 centimeters
Samuel A. Barrett "field notes: p. 7: yucim". Published: AAE XXIV 9 fig. 2. Remarks: For materials see Supplementary Cat. 1 Page 78. Per Ruth Merrill: Warp is Hazel, weft is Conifer root, and white pattern is Beargrass.