JAP-10 (previous number (donor's original number))
Accession number:
4 x 5" Negative. Yokohama, Japan. Image of the P & O Liner Rajputana (left) and the Dollar Liner, President Coolidge(right). Hoefler's original description: "Yokohama, Japan. After a shopping trip around Yokohama, the Hoefler party returned to the leading hotel for refreshments and, strolling to a window, were greeted by this view. The ship to the left of the photograph is the P & O Liner Rajputana, which was their home for many days during their journey from Colombo to Hong Kong; and behind it, to the right, is the Dollar Liner, President Coolidge, which they joined at Hong Kong for the trip to San Francisco. Here were their two ocean homes berthed together and it afforded them an unexpected thrill.
Jacqueline Hoefler Troyer, Paul L. Hoefler, and Sharon Cordary