Big red amphora. Description from Matteucig (1951): Jar; height: 37.5 cm; diameter: 31.5 cm (see Matteucig's plate VI, 2). Impasto type D. Clay, slip, and paint as in 8-1564, 8-1565, 8-1566. Low neck with slightly flaring lip; ovoid body on low, hollow foot; vertical handles. Slip badly faded; also decoration: geometric design reconstructed in figure 12. Vase is a restoration from several pieces; many cracks. For an interesting example, somewhat similar in shape, but in reversed technique (white on red), cf. the vase from south Etruria in C.V.A., British Museum, fasc. 7, IV B, a, pl. 9, 1; see also C.W.A., Scheurleer, fasc. 1, IV B, pl. 1, no. 1.