String musical instrument. Resembles banjo, wooden, neck & back, side, border of body are painted black; fingerboard is formed by bone triangular pieces; scroll is broken off; cracked soundbox; 3 pegs also broken from neck; twine-like veg. cord for strings. Nut has butterfly
Beth Harnex MacLafferty Blake
Collection place:
Verbatim coll. place:
Cambodia unsp.
Object type:
Object class:
Chordophones (stringed instruments)
5.4 Secular and Religious Musical Instruments
Accession date:
April 1, 1984
Context of use:
(descrip)...carving & is partially chipped;body has a floral shape w/6 "petals." Length (w/out scroll) 73 cm. Ht. (body) 5.5 cm.