Old and caked with grime from use. Openwork, twined, mixed plain and twill weaves, top three rows more tightly twined. Handle of sticks inserted through openwork and doubled over; outside of bundle is twined. At 2.5-5 cm from beater edge on handle, the twining wefts are braided and wrapped around the stick bundle. Tag "Wailaki". Per Ralph Shanks: Openwork twined seed beater, used with residue. The warps and wefts are a peeled shoot. The scoop's warps converge and diverge without crossing. The handle and scoop are primarily plain twined with some possible diagonal twining present. The handle is a dense bundle of shoots that is openwork plain twined to the base where there are four wefts rows with three weft strands braided together. The larger rods in the handle go to the center of the scoop and are bent back to join the handle. The slant of weft twist is up to the right. The warps are trimmed at the rim and handle.
Samuel A. Barrett
Collection place:
Round Valley, Mendocino County, California
Verbatim coll. place:
California; Mendocino; Round Valley
Culture or time period:
Samuel A. Barrett
Collection date:
July 1907
Object type:
Object class:
Basketry (object genre), Seed beaters, and Twined weaving