Mongwu owl katsina (kachina); carved and painted wooden figure; wears an "owl" case mask with feathered "wings" on each side of mask; matted finish, yellow beak, feather dance wand on top of head. Wears a shawl over one shoulder and tied at front of chest, white kilt with blue belt, red boots with fringed anklets. Pale orange arm bands, turtle-shell rattle attached to right knee, black wrist and knee band and turquoise and coral bracelet on left wrist. Carries a yucca whip in each hand. A. Numkena, carver.
Lorrie L. Greene and Richard L. Greene
Collection place:
Eastern Arizona
Verbatim coll. place:
North America, United States, Arizona, Hopi, Shipaulovi
Culture or time period:
Lorrie L. Greene and Richard L. Greene
Cottonwood root and Paint (coating)
Object type:
Object class:
Kachina dolls and Masks (costume)
5.7 Objects made for sale, souvenirs, models, and reproductions
Accession date:
June 25, 2008
Native US and Canada (except California)
width 8 centimeters, depth 11.5 centimeters, and height 24.5 centimeters