Flat board with slight oval cross section. Charred in places. Perforated at end sawed flat, opposite end tapering to blunt point. Twisted cotton twine thru perforation, attached to cylindrical straw bundle handle.
Phoebe Apperson Hearst
Collection place:
Coyote Valley, Mendocino County, California
Verbatim coll. place:
California; Mendocino; Coyote Valley
Culture or time period:
Eastern Pomo and Northern Pomo
Samuel A. Barrett
Collection date:
Object type:
Object class:
Bull-roarers and Charred
5.4 Secular and Religious Musical Instruments
Accession date:
Context of use:
Ceremonial use.
Native California (archaeology and ethnology)
length 14.3 centimeters and diameter 3.8 centimeters
Photo: 15-6079 Published: BAE B78, Pl. 44 Objects collected at the Coyote Valley Rancheria by Samuel Barrett may have been collected from Mary Louie, one of his consultants there. Mary Louie was Eastern Pomo, despite the fact that Coyote Valley Rancheria is in Northern Pomo territory. Other Barrett consultants from Coyote Valley include Topsy Pettis, Mollie Duncan, and Lizzie Jamison, all of whom were Northern Pomo.
S1973-1974 #65: Oakland Museum of California (March 8, 1974–April 24, 1974), S1974-1975 #4: University Art Museum (UC Berkeley) (July 19, 1974–February 7, 1975), S1974-1975 #67: Civic Arts Center (Walnut Creek) (February 5, 1975–May 7, 1975), S1976-1977 #80: Music Library (UC Berkeley) (May 6, 1977–May 9, 1977), and S1977-1978 #2: Music Library (UC Berkeley) (July 27, 1977–October 6, 1977)