Owl or Great Horned katsina (kachina); carved and painted figure. Wears a case mask with large owl eyes, beak and owl wings in place of ears. Carved fur ruff and feather dance wand on top of head. Body painted red brown with white arm, leg, and chest markings. Fox fur (carved) cape and quiver in 2 areas on back. Turquoise necklace and silver/turquoise bracelet on left wrist. Wears a breech clout (carved and painted) and sash attached to a white belt. Black knee bands with tassels, ochre colored armlets and black tasseled wrist band on appendages, and hoot with fringed anklets. Holds a yucca whip on left hand and a bow and arrow in right. Carl Sulu, carver.
Lorrie L. Greene and Richard L. Greene
Collection place:
Eastern Arizona
Verbatim coll. place:
North America, United States, Arizona, Hopi
Culture or time period:
Maker or artist:
Carl Sulu
Lorrie L. Greene and Richard L. Greene
Cottonwood root and Paint (coating)
Object type:
Object class:
Kachina dolls, Masks (costume), and Quivers
5.7 Objects made for sale, souvenirs, models, and reproductions