Sari; Lahi (Gujerati) - sari; Parsi; Handwoven; Chinese silk gauze tie-dyed in curvilinear floral pattern; body of sari has pattern pink and white on black ground, borders are white on red; border of black Chinese gauze silk embroidered in cream-colored silk attached to lower edge and on approximately 3 yards of the upper edge; length 520 cm., width 114 cm. Made by Chinese and Indian artisans. Imported silk,indigenous dyes and techniques. Traditionally worn by Parsi widows and therefore considered highly inauspicious as a garment for single or married women. The colors, while there may be variation of the shade, are usually black and red and pink. The attachment of a superimposed border is optional. Although the silk is Chinese, these lahi saris (tie-dyed) were made in Gujerate for Parsi clients. This specimen belonged to the donor's grandmother, Mrs. Piroja Gimi.