1. Mixed beads Bookmark Museum number: 6-15061 Object class: Beads (pierced objects) Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Tomb 9096 (96), Cemetery 9000, Naga-ed-Der Collection date: 1901-1903?
2. Mixed beads Bookmark Museum number: 6-20940 Culture or time period: Ptolemaic dynasty (332–31 BC) Object class: Beads (pierced objects) Collector: Arthur S. Hunt and Bernard P. Grenfell Collection place: Cemetery 5, Tebtunis, Faiyum region Collection date: 1899-1900
3. Mixed beads Bookmark Museum number: 6-18546 Culture or time period: 20th Dynasty of Egypt (1186–1069 BC) and 21st Dynasty of Egypt (1069–945 BC) Object class: Beads (pierced objects) Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Tomb 560, Cemetery 500, El Ahaiwah Collection date: 1900
4. Mixed beads Bookmark Museum number: 6-10131 Culture or time period: 2nd Dynasty of Egypt (2890–2686 BC), 3rd Dynasty of Egypt (2686–2125 BC), 4th Dynasty of Egypt (2613–2494 BC), 5th Dynasty of Egypt (2494–2345 BC), and 6th Dynasty of Egypt (2345–2181 BC) Object class: Beads (pierced objects) Production date: 2nd to 6th Dynasties Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Tomb 579, Cemetery 500, Naga-ed-Der Collection date: 1901-1903
5. Mixed beads Bookmark Museum number: 6-969 Culture or time period: 2nd Dynasty of Egypt (2890–2686 BC) Object class: Beads (pierced objects) Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Tomb 3018 (18), Cemetery 3000, Naga-ed-Der Collection date: 1901
6. Mixed beads Bookmark Museum number: 6-11570 Culture or time period: 2nd Dynasty of Egypt (2890–2686 BC) and 3rd Dynasty of Egypt (2686–2125 BC) Object class: Beads (pierced objects) Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Tomb 3566 (66), Cemetery 3500, Naga-ed-Der Collection date: 1901-1903
7. Mixed beads Bookmark Museum number: 6-3864 Culture or time period: Naqada II b Object class: Beads (pierced objects) Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Tomb 7488 (488), Cemetery 7000, Naga-ed-Der Collection date: 1901-1903
8. Mixed beads Bookmark Museum number: 6-3676 Culture or time period: Naqada II a Object class: Beads (pierced objects) Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Tomb 7429 (429), Cemetery 7000, Naga-ed-Der Collection date: 1901-1903
9. Mixed beads Bookmark Museum number: 6-20861 Culture or time period: 12th Dynasty of Egypt (1985–1773 BC), 13th Dynasty of Egypt (1773–after 1650 BC), and 14th Dynasty of Egypt (1773–1650 BC) Object class: Beads (pierced objects) Collector: Arthur S. Hunt and Bernard P. Grenfell Collection place: Cemetery 4, Tebtunis, Faiyum region Collection date: 1899-1900
10. Mixed beads Bookmark Museum number: 6-10067 Culture or time period: 2nd Dynasty of Egypt (2890–2686 BC), 3rd Dynasty of Egypt (2686–2125 BC), 4th Dynasty of Egypt (2613–2494 BC), 5th Dynasty of Egypt (2494–2345 BC), and 6th Dynasty of Egypt (2345–2181 BC) Object class: Beads (pierced objects) Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Tomb 570, Cemetery 500, Naga-ed-Der Collection date: 1901-1903