Image Missing: Hearst Museum object titled Audio recording, accession number 24-456, described as Side A) “Exit from the Kiva” Men emerge single file from the Kiva and go singing to the plaza, “Dance on the Plaza” Is the song for the dance immediately following. Side B) 1- “Arrow Dance”, 2- “Arrow Dance”, 3- “Arrow Dance” Called a ‘tiring dance’ by Vigil, a drum is fastened to singer’s waist and he drums with right hand, carries arrow in left hand, singer moves up/down the line of dancers who also sing the melody. Performed by Martin Vigil. Instruments include drum, played by singer. Traditional context: Side A) Pueblo dancers come from the sacred Kiva to dance in the open plaza. The accompanying singers do not dance. There are usually 10 singers and 25-30 dancers. Side B) One of the dances performed in the pueblo plaza.