Image Missing: Hearst Museum object titled Notgeld, accession number 7-9913d, described as currency, paper; 50 Pfennige, black, red, and tan on white background, with castle and church (?) tower on front; distributed in July, 1921; L 10.1 cm X W 7.4 cm a) Serial # 42540, with picture of village and field on back; b) #42539, with picture of men and scroll; c) #42543, with portraits of 3 famous men; (over) d) #42546, with picture of opposing men in arms at castle gate e) #42565, with pciture of sainted woan holding house in arms f) 42556, with picture of Luther and disciples Gutschein der Gemeinde or Stadtgemeinde (Vouchers of Municipalities( issued immediately after World War I.