1. Broken kohl applicator Bookmark Museum number: 6-6381 Culture or time period: 18th Dynasty of Egypt (1550–1295 BC) and 19th Dynasty of Egypt (1295–1186 BC) Object class: Broken (damaged) and Kohl applicators Function: 1.8 Toilet Articles Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Uncertain tomb, Cemetery 1-200, Deir el-Ballas Collection date: 1900-1901
2. Broken kohl box Bookmark Museum number: 6-18559 Culture or time period: 20th Dynasty of Egypt (1186–1069 BC) and 21st Dynasty of Egypt (1069–945 BC) Object class: Broken (damaged) and Kohl boxes Function: 1.8 Toilet Articles Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Tomb 572, Cemetery 500, El Ahaiwah Collection date: 1900
3. Broken kohl box Bookmark Museum number: 6-18481 Culture or time period: 20th Dynasty of Egypt (1186–1069 BC) and 21st Dynasty of Egypt (1069–945 BC) Object class: Broken (damaged) and Kohl boxes Function: 1.8 Toilet Articles Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Tomb 517, Cemetery 500, El Ahaiwah Collection date: 1900
4. Contents of kohl tube Bookmark Museum number: 6-18560b Culture or time period: 20th Dynasty of Egypt (1186–1069 BC) and 21st Dynasty of Egypt (1069–945 BC) Function: 1.8 Toilet Articles Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Tomb 572, Cemetery 500, El Ahaiwah Collection date: 1900
5. Incomplete kohl box Bookmark Museum number: 6-18474 Culture or time period: 20th Dynasty of Egypt (1186–1069 BC) and 21st Dynasty of Egypt (1069–945 BC) Object class: Incomplete and Kohl boxes Function: 1.8 Toilet Articles Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Tomb 505, Cemetery 500, El Ahaiwah Collection date: 1900
6. Kohl Bookmark Museum number: 6-8923 Culture or time period: 18th Dynasty of Egypt (1550–1295 BC) Function: 1.8 Toilet Articles Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Tomb 239, Cemetery 1-200, Deir el-Ballas Collection date: 1900
7. Kohl applicator Bookmark Museum number: 6-1520 Culture or time period: 2nd Dynasty of Egypt (2890–2686 BC) and 3rd Dynasty of Egypt (2686–2125 BC) Object class: Kohl applicators Function: 1.8 Toilet Articles Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Tomb 3587 (87), Cemetery 3500, Naga-ed-Der Collection date: 1901
8. Kohl applicator Bookmark Museum number: 6-1521 Culture or time period: 2nd Dynasty of Egypt (2890–2686 BC) and 3rd Dynasty of Egypt (2686–2125 BC) Object class: Kohl applicators Function: 1.8 Toilet Articles Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Tomb 3587 (87), Cemetery 3500, Naga-ed-Der Collection date: 1901
9. Kohl box Bookmark Museum number: 6-20418 Culture or time period: 12th Dynasty of Egypt (1985–1773 BC) Object class: Kohl boxes Function: 1.8 Toilet Articles Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Tomb 410, Cemetery 100, Naga-ed-Der Collection date: 1899-1900
10. Kohl container Bookmark Museum number: 6-15405 Culture or time period: 6th Dynasty of Egypt (2345–2181 BC) and 7th & 8th Dynasties of Egypt (2181–2160 BC) Object class: Kohl containers Function: 1.8 Toilet Articles Dimensions: length 6 centimeters Collector: George Andrew Reisner Collection place: Tomb 69, Cemetery 100, Naga-ed-Der Collection date: 1901