51. Flake Bookmark Museum number: 1-24086 Object class: Flakes (lithics) Dimensions: length 2 inches Collector: William A. Setchell Collection place: Coulterville Road, "Upim" Big Meadow, Yosemite National Park Collection date: unknown
52. Flake Bookmark Museum number: 1-24087 Object class: Flakes (lithics) Dimensions: length 1 inches Collector: William A. Setchell Collection place: Coulterville Road, "Upim" Big Meadow, Yosemite National Park Collection date: unknown
53. Haft Bookmark Museum number: 11-1967b Culture or time period: Tahitian Function: 1.6 Manufacturing, Constructing, Craft, and Professional Pursuits Collection place: Tahiti, Windward Islands, Society Islands
54. Harpoon Bookmark Museum number: 2-10871 Culture or time period: Greenlandic tribes Object class: Harpoons Collection place: Greenland
55. Harpoon Bookmark Museum number: 2-10872c Culture or time period: Aleut Object class: Harpoons Function: 1.1 Hunting and Fishing Collector: William A. Setchell Collection place: Iliuliuk, Unalaska Island, Fox Islands Collection date: 1899
56. Harpoon foreshaft Bookmark Museum number: 2-10872a Culture or time period: Aleut Object class: Harpoons Function: 1.1 Hunting and Fishing Collector: William A. Setchell Collection place: Iliuliuk, Unalaska Island, Fox Islands Collection date: 1899
57. Harpoon socket Bookmark Museum number: 2-10872b Culture or time period: Aleut Function: 1.1 Hunting and Fishing Collector: William A. Setchell Collection place: Iliuliuk, Unalaska Island, Fox Islands Collection date: 1899
58. Hat Bookmark Museum number: 2-10860 Culture or time period: Haida Object class: Basketry (object genre), Hats, and Twined weaving Function: 2.1 Daily Garb Dimensions: diameter 16 inches and depth 7 inches Collector: William A. Setchell Collection place: Juneau, Juneau Borough, Alaska Collection date: 1899
59. Hat Bookmark Museum number: 2-10859 Culture or time period: Tlingit Object class: Basketry (object genre), Hats, and Twined weaving Function: 5.3 Objects relating to the Secular and Quasi-religious Rites, Pageants, and Drama Dimensions: 11.5 centimeters, 40 centimeters, and height 17 centimeters Collector: William A. Setchell Collection place: Juneau, Juneau Borough, Alaska Collection date: 1899
60. Kava root Bookmark Museum number: 11-1645 Culture or time period: Samoan Function: 5.5 Stimulants, Narcotics, and Accessories Collection place: Tutuila, American Samoa