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Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-10854, described as The main component of the specimen consists of fruits of Calandrinia ciliata (Ruiz & Pav.) DC., red-maids, Portulacaceae. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsules: 3 nutlets of Salvia columbariae Benth., chia, Lamiaceae; 1 fruit of Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl., common madia, Asteraceae; 1 seed of Erodium sp., stork’s bill, Geraniaceae
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-11992, described as The main component of the specimen consists of achenes of Madia sativa Molina, coast tarweed, Asteraceae. Note: According to the treatment in Hickman, J. C., 1993, The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California, University of California Press, M. sativa is closely related to and partly interfertile with M. gracilis. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsules: 6 florets of Bromus cf. hordeaceus L., soft chess, Poaceae; 4 achenes of Centaurea melitensis L., Maltese star thistle, Asteraceae; 3 fruits of Rumex sp., dock, Polygonaceae; 2 achenes of Anthemis cotula, mayweed or dog fennel, Asteraceae; 1 seed of Brassica rapa, Brassicaceae; 1 floret of Lolium temulentum L., darnel, Poaceae.
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-12013, described as Black seeds. The main component of the specimen consists of achenes of Madia sativa Molina, coast tarweed, Asteraceae. Note: According to the treatment in Hickman, J. C., 1993, The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California, University of California Press, M. sativa is closely related to and partly interfertile with M. gracilis. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsule: 44 florets of Phleum pratense L., timothy, Poaceae 3 achenes of Anthemis cotula L., stinking chamomile, 1 fruit of Rumex sp., dock, Polygonaceae 1 floret of Bromus sp., brome, Poaceae 1 seed of unknown Fabaceae
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-7419, described as Wyethia angustifolia, Asteraceae.  Common name: mule-ears.
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-10271, described as Specimen, ethnobotanical; seeds, black, curved. The main component of the specimen consists of achenes of Madia sativa Molina, coast tarweed, Asteraceae. Note: According to the treatment in Hickman, J. C., 1993, The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California, University of California Press, M. sativa is closely related to and partly interfertile with M. gracilis. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsule: 936 seeds of Clarkia spp., clarkia, Onagraceae 73 fruits of Rumex acetosella L., common sheep sorrel, Polygonaceae 35 florets of Bromus hordeaceus L., soft brome, Poaceae 29 achenes of Centaurea melitensis L., Maltese star-thistle, Asteraceae 23 mericarps of Daucus carota L., Queen Anne's lace, Apiaceae 9 achenes of Eriogonum spp., buckwheat, Polygonaceae 8 seeds of Trifolium microcephalum Pursh, smallhead clover, Fabaceae 5 achenes of Grindelia camporum Greene, Great Valley gumweed, Asteraceae 4 seeds of Plantago lanceolata L., narrowleaf plantain, Plantaginaceae 4 achenes of Agoseris spp., agoseris, Asteraceae 3 florets of Avena sp., oat, Poaceae 3 seeds Trifolium ciliolatum Benth., foothill clover, Fabaceae 2 florets of Vulpia myuros (L.) C.C. Gmel., rat-tail fescue, Poaceae 2 nutlets of Amsinckia sp., fiddleneck, Boraginaceae 1 floret of Bromus rubens L., red brome, Poaceae 1 seed of Brodiaea sp., brodiaea, Themidaceae 1 nutlet of Cryptantha sp., cryptantha, Boraginaceae 1 floret of Digitaria sp., crabgrass, Poaceae 1 seed of Cuscuta sp., dodder, Convolvulaceae 1 seed of Trifolium sp., clover, Fabaceae
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-10309, described as Ethnobotanical specimen, tobacco; one bottle. The specimen consists of seeds of Nicotiana quadrivalvis Pursh, Indian tobacco, Solanaceae and assorted plant fragments.
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-4025, described as Seeds (owin), used as food. The main component of the specimen consists of achenes of Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl., common madia, Asteraceae. Note: According to the treatment in Hickman, J. C., 1993, The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California, University of California Press, M. elegans is highly variable and intermediates blur distinction among extremes. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsules: 45 achenes of Ranunculus californicus Benth., California buttercup, Ranunculaceae; 7 florets of Vulpia microstachys (Nutt.) Munro, small fescue, Poaceae; 7 seeds of Dichelostemma capitatum (Benth.) Alph. Wood, bluedicks, Themidaceae (also placed in Alliaceae or Liliaceae); 2 nutlets of Amsinckia sp., fiddleneck, Boraginaceae; 1 seed of Luzula comosa E. Mey., Pacific woodrush, Juncaceae; 1 achene of Potentilla glandulosa Lindl., sticky cinquefoil cf. USDA Plants Database  [Drymocallis glandulosa (Lindl.) Rydb. cf. nomenclature based on USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN) [Online  Database]. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. URL: http:  // (07 July 2009)], Rosaceae; 1 seed of Trifolium sp., possibly T. obtusiflorum Hook. & Arn., clammy clover, creek clover, or sour-salt clover , Fabaceae 1 seed of Triteleia ixioides (W. T. Aiton) Greene, yellow-brodiaea or prettyface, Themidaceae (also placed in Alliaceae or Liliaceae).
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-10441, described as Specimen, ethnobotanical, unspecified, light brown. The main component of the specimen consists of nutlets of Salvia columbariae Benth., chia, Lamiaceae. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsules: 17 seeds of unknown Brassicaceae; 1 seed of Gilia sp., gilia, Polemoniaceae; 1 seed of Phacelia sp., phacelia, Hydrophyllaceae.
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-10460, described as Flat dark brown seeds.  10461 is made from these seeds. The main component of the specimen consists of achenes of Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl., common madia, Asteraceae. Note: According to the treatment in Hickman, J. C., 1993, The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California, University of California Press, M. elegans is highly variable and intermediates blur distinction among extremes. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsules: 62 florets of Vulpia microstachys (Nutt.) Munro, small fescue, Poaceae 17 seeds of Ranunculus californicus Benth.,California buttercup, Ranunculaceae. 13 seeds of Collinsia heterophylla G. Buist ex Graham, Chinese houses, Plantaginaceae (also placed in Scrophulariaceae and Veronicaceae) 9 seeds of Dichelostemma capitatum (Benth.) Alph. Wood, bluedicks, Themidaceae 3 seeds of Triteleia, possibly Triteleia hyacinthina (Lindl.) Greene, white brodiaea, Themidaceae 13 florets of Melica californica Scribn., California melic, Poaceae 11 florets of Poa secunda J. Presl, Sandberg bluegrass , Poaceae 3 seeds of Trifolium obtusiflorum Hook., clammy clover, Fabaceae 1 seed of Lupinus sp., lupine, Fabaceae 1 nutlet of Amsinckia sp., popcorn flower, Boraginaceae 1 floret of Bromus diandrus , ripgut grass, ripgut brome, Poaceae 1 mericarp of Sanicula sp., sanicle, Apiaceae
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-10177, described as Foodstuff - Kotca. The main component of the specimen consists of fruits of Calandrinia ciliata (Ruiz & Pav.) DC., red-maids, Portulacaceae. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsules: 17 seeds of Silene gallica L., common catchfly, Caryophyllaceae.