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Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-10292, described as Specimen, ethnobotanical; seeds (Madia sativa), flat, curved, brown. The main component of the specimen consists of achenes of Madia sativa Molina, coast tarweed, Asteraceae. Note: According to the treatment in Hickman, J. C., 1993, The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California, University of California Press, M.sativa is closely related to and partly interfertile with M. gracilis. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsule: 51 florets of Bromus hordeaceus L., soft brome, Poaceae 22 achenes of Drymocallis glandulosa (Lindl.) Rydb., glandular cinquefoil, Rosaceae 15 seeds of Trifolium ciliolatum Benth., foothill clover, Fabaceae 15 florets of Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray, brome fescue, Poaceae 12 mericarps of Daucus carota L., Queen Anne's lace, Apiaceae 11 seeds of Trifolium obtusiflorum Hook. f., clammy clover, Fabaceae 10 florets of Vulpia myuros (L.) C.C. Gmel., rat-tail fescue, Poaceae 9 seeds of Castilleja densiflora (Benth.) T.I. Chuang & Heckard, denseflower Indian paintbrush, Scrophulariaceae 4 seeds of Trifolium microcephalum Pursh, smallhead clover, Fabaceae 4 achenes of Ranunculus californicus Benth., California buttercup, Ranunculaceae 4 nutlets of Cryptantha spp., cryptantha, Boraginaceae 4 seeds of Epilobium densiflorum (Lindl.) Hoch & P.H. Raven, denseflower willowherb, Onagraceae 3 fruits of Rumex acetosella L., common sheep sorrel, Polygonaceae 2 florets of Vulpia microstachys (Nutt.) Munro, small fescue, Poaceae 2 seeds of Clarkia sp., clarkia, Onagraceae 2 seeds of Silene gallica L., common catchfly, Caryophyllaceae 2 (one floret, one caryopsis) Melica californica Scribn., California melicgrass, Poaceae 2 nutlets of Amsinckia sp., fiddleneck, Boraginaceae 2 achenes of Madia exigua (Sm.) A. Gray, small tarweed, Asteraceae 2 florets of Deschampsia spp., hairgrass, Poaceae 1 mericarp of Sanicula spp., sanicle, Apiaceae 1 achene of Sonchus oleraceus L., common sowthistle, Asteraceae 1 floret of Bromus tectorum L., cheatgrass, Poaceae 1 floret of Bromus diandrus Roth, ripgut brome, Poaceae 1 seed of Claytonia sp., springbeauty, Portulacaceae 1 seed of Plantago sp., plantain, Plantaginaceae 1 seed of Descurainia sp., tansymustard, Brassicaceae 1 achene of Agoseris sp., agoseris, Asteraceae
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-10867, described as Small, light brown. The main component of the specimen consists of nutlets of Salvia columbariae Benth., chia, Lamiaceae Other items found and placed in gelatin capsules: 7 seeds of Calandrinia ciliata (Ruiz & Pav.) DC., red maids, Portulacaceae; 3 seeds of Gilia sp., gilia, Polemoniaceae; 2 achenes of Hemizonia sp., tarweed, Asteraceae
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-10810, described as Very small, light brown. The main component of the specimen consists of nutlets of Salvia columbariae Benth., chia, Lamiaceae. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsules: 5 achenes of Hemizonia sp., possibly Hemizonia kelloggii E. Greene (Source: Jepson), Asteraceae; 3 florets of Muhlenbergia microsperma (DC.) Kunth, littleseed muhly, Poaceae; 2 seeds of Phacelia sp., phacelia, Hydrophyllaceae; 1 nutlet of Plagiobothrys sp., popcornflower, Boraginaceae; 1 nutlet of Cryptantha sp., cryptantha, Boraginaceae.
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-2367a,b, described as Pinole seeds.  Also includes:  scientific name Hemizonia congesta common name hayfield tarweed, Asteraceae.
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-7413, described as Food sample; seeds, unspecified.  Scientific name Descurainia sp. common name tansy mustard, Brassicaceae.
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-10390, described as The main component of the specimen consists of achenes of Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl., common madia, Asteraceae. Note: According to the treatment in Hickman, J. C., 1993, The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California, University of California Press, M. elegans is highly variable and intermediates blur distinction among extremes. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsules: 58 seeds of Collinsia heterophylla G. Buist ex Graham, Chinese-houses, Plantaginaceae (also placed in Scrophulariaceae); 16 seeds of Triteleia ixioides (W. T. Aiton) Greene, yellow-brodiaea, Themidaceae (also placed in Alliaceae or Liliaceae); 16 seeds of Silene sp., catchfly, Caryophyllaceae; 12 seeds of Clarkia sp., clarkia, Onagraceae; 11 seeds of Dichelostemma capitatum (Benth.) Alph. Wood, bluedicks, Themidaceae (also placed in Alliaceae or Liliaceae) 11 florets of Vulpia microstachys (Nutt.) Munro, small fescue, Poaceae 6 nutlets of Salvia columbariae Benth., chia, Lamiaceae 5 seeds of Gilia sp., gilia, Polemoniaceae; 2 mericarps of Sanicula sp., sanicle, Apiaceae; 2 nutlets of Cryptantha sp., cryptantha, Boraginaceae; 1 floret of Vulpia myuros (L.) C.C. Gmel., rat-tail fescue, Poaceae; 1 achene of Rigiopappus leptocladus A. Gray, wireweed, Asteraceae; 1 achene of Agoseris sp., agoseris, Asteraceae; 1 seed of Allophyllum sp., Grant, false gillyflower, Polemoniaceae; 1 floret of Poa secunda J. Presl, Sandberg bluegrass, Poaceae; 1 achene of Coreopsis sp., tickseed, Asteraceae; 1 seed of Trifolium obtusiflorum Hook. f., clammy clover, Fabaceae; 1 floret of Gastridium phleoides (Nees & Meyen) C. E. Hubb., nit grass, Poaceae; 3 unknown
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-10388, described as Small light brown seeds. The main component of the specimen consists of nutlets of Salvia columbariae Benth., chia, Lamiaceae. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsules: 22 achenes of Madia elegans Lind., common madia, Asteraceae; 2 nutlets of Plagiobothrys sp., popcornflower, Boraginaceae; 1 seed of Phacelia sp., catchfly, Caryophyllaceae; 1 seed of Trifolium obtusiflorum Hook. F., clammy clover, Fabaceae; 1 seed of Gilia sp., gilia, Polemoniaceae.
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-10164, described as Specimen, ethnobotanical. Foodstuff, specimen show the material as it is harvested before separating the seed and chaff. The main component of the specimen consists of fruits of Achyrachaena mollis Schauer, blow wives, Asteraceae. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsules: 128 florets of Briza minor L., lesser quaking grass or little quaking grass , Poaceae; 8 florets of Poa annua L., annual bluegrass, Poaceae; 5 florets of Bromus hordeaceus L., brome mou, lop grass, soft brome, or soft chess, Poaceae; 2 florets of Vulpia myuros (L.) C. C. Gmel., foxtail fescue or rat-tail fescue, Poaceae; 1 floret of Avena barbata Pott ex Link, slender oat, Poaceae; 1 fruit of Madia sativa Molina, coast tarweed, Asteraceae; 1 seed of Lupinus sp., lupine, Fabaceae; 1 fruit of Microseris douglasii (DC.) Sch. Bip., Douglas' silverpuffs, Asteraceae.
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-10249, described as Specimen, ethnobotanical; seeds, "fine, angular." The main component of the specimen consists of mixture of seeds of Clarkia purpurea (Curtis) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr., winecup clarkia, Onagraceae and seeds of Epilobium densiflorum (Lindl.) Hoch & P.H. Raven, denseflower willowherb, Onagraceae. Other items found and placed in gelatin capsules: 316 seeds of Monardella sp., monardella, Lamiaceae. 7 florets of Agrostis sp., bentgrass, Poaceae 7 fruits of Rumex acetosella L., sheep sorrel, Polygonaceae 5 achenes of Hemizonia sp., tarweed, Asteraceae 3 seeds of Brodiaea sp., brodiaea, Themidaceae 4 seeds of Leptosiphon sp., linanthus, Polemoniaceae 1 seed of an unknown Polemoniaceae, possibly Leptosiphon sp., linanthus, Polemoniaceae 1 floret of Bromus tectorum L., downy brome or cheatgrass, Poaceae 1 floret of Deschampsia danthonioides (Trin.) Munro, annual hairgrass, Poaceae 1 fruit and accessory structures of Carex sp., sedge, Cyperaceae
Hearst Museum object titled Seeds, accession number 1-4462, described as Specimen, ethnobotanical; seeds; foodstuff.  The main component of the specimen consists of florets of Pleuropogon californicus (Nees) Benth. ex Vasey var. davyi (L. D. Benson) But, Davy’s semaphoregrass, Poaceae. One floret opened to remove caryopsis for diagnostic measurement (placed in gelatin capsule). Other items found and placed in gelatin capsules: 1 spikelet of Alopecurus saccatus Vasey, Pacific foxtail, Poaceae; 1 fruit of Rumex sp., dock, Polygonaceae.